Real Communication- Or is it?

Bobwalked outside onto the patio where his sister was swimming in the kidie pool.

He gaped at her, covorting in the water despite the temperature of 45 degrees and 30 mph wind chill.

She slowly exited the water leaving several dead jellyfish in her wake.

The enviromentalist on the shore were frantically talking on their cell phones.

"Save the baby whales! " Theyscreamed. We must save the baby whales!"

Having met the standards of the ecologically correct, the man stomped off a distance. He took out his buffalo gun and shot the bull elk moose as dinner for he and his dinner compannions. The rain pattered softly on the grass.

He quickly built a fire and started to roast tthe moose. His companions wet looks for wate, only to return with a look of terror on their faces.

Turning from the moose, he grinned and tried to cheer them up. As one tended the moose, he cleaned his eating knife in the light of the cooking fire. His evil smile reflected off of the bright blade.

The siberian captives blanched noticably as the gaurd walked closer with his h and k g36. As he branished it at them, a huge carniovarous gecko landed on his shoulder studied him with beadyeyes.

Then at that moment there was a huge explosion that rocked the cold night air.

"Incoming" Everybody get down"!

Once the initial onslaught had subsicded, the damsel raised her head to see what remained of their estate. What she saw brought tears of joy to her eyes..

And then a UFO came and dropped a hydrogen bomb.

Next story.

Not l ong ago, guitar in hand, a mysterious cowboy walked into fiar corners, AZ.

He set his guitar down along with the mini usz and pulled out his GPS.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the cookies. for the lot that he was goimng bas plugged them in.

The machine beeped loudly.

Then the man walked away wuickly as he hung his head..

As she looked through the window, the coffee machine overflowed.

In dispair, she called Fujthansa and booked a 1st class seat to Wuishadem.

She then called her uncle, Count de Wabkenis and begged him to protect her from his swarn enemy.

A dog suddenly barked as a knock sounded on the door...

Next Story

Seal team six crawled silently through the air duct as the Japaneseimmigrents were loaded into the traccter trailer.

Tense commands could be heard along with paniced crys of women. The men signaledto each other, and grabbing their weapons, Team Six moved down the air duct.

The leader of Team six, his h and k usp modO at the ready, led his team rapidly and advanced down the air duct. His laser swept the darkness ahead. His ehes narrowed as a form moved in the duct ahead, his thumb instinctively switched off the safety.

Using his new toeno brain reader, he radioed back to base, to prepared to initialize the operation, using the new geo shystem.

All of a sudden, a lion ran out of the tall grass and sprang over the parked tank.

ith a roar of machine gun fire, the trophy lion was laid low, much to the delight of the poachers. However little did they know that the whole event was capttured on film, and would result in a life-time conviction.

They tried to lift him but ended up dragging h im by his silken tail. The cries of the starvbed villagers reached their ears and they knew this tropphy would never leave the savanagh.

Wish another successful mission under their belts ST6 ejectedv their spent magazines, inserted new ones, locked looked, pulled their oakleys back down, jumbed into their fast attack vehicles and roarded off into the desert to the acempanned of MZYObscrd 40mmautomatic grenade explosions.

If you want to know what that was, E-mail me! I copied it as best as best as I could from paper, trying to keep the original spelling.

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